Hello, My name is Steve Barry. I have been a ventriloquist and figure maker since 1975. I was told by my family to create a blog to demonstrate some of the work I do and to help those looking for tips in the field of ventriloquism as well as figure making.
I am an "old school" type who hasn't dabbled much in the internet until these past few years. So bear with me as I get used to this.
I became interested in ventriloquism at the young age of 7 years old when my parents bought me my first vent doll. It was a Danny O'Day special order from sears. As I passed the pull string version, I saved my paper route money and bought a deluxe dummy from Maher Studios in 1972. From that point on, I was hooked.
I have entertained over the years mostly in private parties, hospitals, daycares, cub and boyscout meetings and schools. I like to entertain children because their imaginations are wonderful and their wide eyed interest and laughter is addicting.
I have made both stage figures and conversion figures as well as puppets and marionttes. It is a labor of love and not a job. I suggest to everyone that once an interest becomes a job it is no longer interesting.
There are those in the ventriloquist community that hold themselves higher than others for their ability to identify figure makers through their work and only collect "professional" figures. (everyone has their own definition). They feel the need to criticize and mock others who don't fit their definition of a ventriloquist or figure maker. Ventriloquism is supposed to be an entertaining art form. It is both enjoyable and fullfilling. Since it is a small community, in my eyes, everyone should help each other in any way they can and that is the reason I am starting this "blogspot". I am here to help, support and befriend anyone interested in this wonderful ancient art form.
Whether you have a string controlled celebrity figure or a stage figure from one of the many talented figure makers in this community, you are welcome to join me and ask of me anything. If I can help you I will. If I can't, I will point you in the right direction. Here are some of the recent figures I have made.