Mr Devane stopped by to pick up Milko this Friday. He was all ready to go and missed home.
I repaired all that needed repair and added a tongue (there had been something there but it was gone. I assumed it was a tongue..... What else would it be?
I seperated theopenings in the ears and usd a fabric adhesive. (BEACON, it's the best there is in my book.) I repaired the neck separation and the mouth fabric which had come unattached to his jaw. I used liquid leather and matched up the color for his toes and finger tips to conceal the green wires that were exposed due to wear.
Irepaired his little smock which had it's ties broken and added new straps and gave him a good dry cleaning. I touched up his nose and glossed his eyes. He is ready to perform.
Mr Devane was pleased with the results and plans on putting Milko in a glass display.
I enjoyed working on him and learned alot about the animated puppets of the 50's through researching him and working on him. I also made a new aquaintance. Mr. DeVane is a professional speaker and voice over artist. One of the bennefits of repairing figures and puppets as well as making them are meeting the interesting people who own them. Good luck Mr. Devane! Take care Milko!