Saturday, April 19, 2008

Finishing up Bill's figure

I had another conversation with Bill this week and he decided to go with a different look. He wanted his figure to look like a woman who took care of him when he was a child. So after a little adjusting, here she is. I thickened her lips and broadened her nose slightly to give her more of an African American appearance. I changed the controls which were looped steel wire. They were too pliable and didn't work well. I replaced the controls for the mouth and blinker with brass levers and I added a ball control for the eyes. I added moving eyebrows and put another control in the post for that function. I am in the middle of making her body and she should be ready to ship out sometime this week. Here she is Bill. I hope you like her. She's come along way from the poor guy who arrived at my door two weeks ago! He has been resurrected as a woman and will have a new lease on life.

In addition, I am finishing up a conversion figure for Doris, one of my long time customers. Here she is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful Work and Wonderful Tips!
Thank You So Much for sharing your gift!