Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ihave been in contact with a young man now for several months. He entertains for his Church and has been working with me getting a stage figure ready for him.

He was shipped out on Tuesday and will probably receive him today. Malcom is making the transition from conversion figure to stage figure. He is planning on entertaining large groups and wanted several animations. We put together this fellow for him. Blinkers and raising eybrows have been added over several different contacts with him, so this guy has morphed into what he is now. I hope he is everything you want him to be Malcom. Keep in touch!

1 comment:

Trenon Graham Ventriloquist said...

Steve!!! hello!!! yes u did a great job on malcom i do recommend anyone else who like stage figures!!! steve is they one to go to I think he did a outstanding job for me on my fisrt stage figure!!!!!!! Steve I cant wait !!!! till u send his hat man he really classy man!!!!!

Thanks Steve !!!!!!
God Bless U!!!